Questions? We have answers.

We are looking for killer medtech idea to prototype stage projects that can change the face of healthcare!

You will be asked to upload a formatted executive summary and 1-min video pitch describing your idea/technology. To get a better idea of your project, we also ask questions around your team, technology stage, funding, target market, traction and milestones.

Don’t forget to check out our application check list here, and a sample application here.

Applications close 5pm on 27 September and shortlisted applicants will be notified on 4th October.

‘MedTech’ is any technology or service related to medical devices, diagnostics, bionics, medical laboratory equipment, eHealth and any other area which will lead to improved health outcomes. This includes many applications in related fields, from sports technology to veterinary science.

Specifically excluded are pharmaceuticals unless in a drug-device combination.

If you are unsure if your technology fits, reach out and ask! 

All entrepreneurs across Australia can apply for the 2018 Challenge!

We are looking for killer idea to seed stage MedTech projects that can change the face of healthcare. If you are unsure if your technology fits, reach out and ask! 

Teams remaining after the Rapid Fire Round are strongly encouraged to participate fully in the workshops and mentoring ahead of the the Gala Dinner. Those who participate fully are much better positioned to win at the Finals.

As a condition of funding, the five winners are required to participate fully in the Accelerated Technology Roadmapping phase. This means a significant portion of time should be spent working on developing a technology roadmap, which entails participation in workshops and working closely with your mentors.

In short, Yes.

Business concepts should focus on sustainability of the business, products and services to be offered, and innovation in the business model. Not-for-profit applicants are strongly advised to speak with Actuator staff before submitting their application.


The only requirement to take part in the challenge is commitment and a will to succeed. Applicants may incur travel and other expenses associated with participation in information sessions, workshops and pitch events. Participants are responsible for their own out-of-pocket expenses.

An executive summary should include the major details of your business concept, whilst not getting bogged down in low level detail. Your executive summary should grab our attention leaving us with a basic understanding and interest in your proposal.

Please use the template provided in the application so that we can compare apples to apples – noting that you should definitely tailor your exec sum to fit your opportunity stage and team style. A picture tells 2021 words, so add infographics, icons and anything else that will make it pop! We recommend spending some time researching Executive Summaries to orient yourself with good ones and bad ones. Here’s a few (hopefully) helpful links:

You may not yet know enough detail to be able to fully address each point – that is ok, just do the best you can to build a compelling story around your idea!

Teams may add members by emailing [email protected] up until the application round closes, even if the application has already been submitted.

Teams may drop members at any point (so long as they are not the nominated pitcher) by first communicating with and meeting Actuator staff. In order for the team to remain eligible, the leaving member must be leaving of their own accord and this must be agreed upon by all team members. If a team fragments without an unanimous consensus, the team is ineligible to continue in the challenge.

The qualifying team member (the pitcher) may be changed at any point before the Rapid Fire Round. The new pitching member must still match one of more of the criteria to be classed as a qualifying member. After the Rapid Fire Round, pitching team members can not be changed. The Actuator reserves the right to approve any aberrations from this policy on a one-by-one basis, and extenuating circumstances must be clearly identified.

Award money can only be awarded to an ABN, not a person, and must be used to further develop the product/concept that was pitched (or a reasonable pivot from this).

There are guidelines to which the $10,000 must be spent with $5,000 going toward prototype or product development and $5,000 going towards salaries, financial services, legal advice, travel to participate in MedTech’s Got Talent organised functions and other administrative tasks. These guidelines can be deviated from in specific circumstances but pre-authorisation must be obtained.

For the $30,000 Grand Prize award, there are no parameters aside from it being applied toward commercialisation of the product/concept that was pitched (or a reasonable pivot from this).

The identities of the contestants and the short [non-confidential] description of the business or concept disclosed in the registration, as well as any pitch delivered are considered public domain and can be used by The Actuator for marketing and PR purposes. Before submitting, The Actuator urges contestants to confirm with advisors or legal counsel that any IP described in their summary is protected (i.e. by appropriate intellectual property filings) by the owning institution and/or individuals. The Actuator also recommends that contestants determine, in advance, whether their summary describes a technology, invention, copyrightable work or other IP owned by their respective universities. The respective Technology Transfer Offices or Research Offices are available to answer any related questions.

MedTech’s Got Talent is open to the public at large. Any and all of these sessions may be broadcast to interested persons through media which may include radio, television and internet. Any data or information discussed or divulged in public sessions by entrants should be considered information that could possibly enter the public realm, and entrants should not assume any right of confidentiality in any data or information discussed, divulged or presented in these sessions. Due to the nature of this challenge, judges, reviewers, staff or the audience are not obligated and will not be asked to sign non-disclosure statements. If a team uses copyrighted materials and/or images from a third party in their submissions or presentations, they must obtain permission and authorization in advance from the owners to use this material, and identify the source of the material in their presentation or submission.